Not everyone needs to work from the “Middle-of Nowhere”. But today, many businesses need to provide staff remote access to their work, without sacrificing efficiency and security.
“Seems technical, will it fit MY Business?”
Remote workspaces created by SAC-IT are both affordable and streamlined. Plus, we can set up remote workspaces for businesses of all sizes.
SAC-IT Remote Workspaces allow your staff access to the tools they need, without the clutter of the tools they don’t use. You are in control of the tools populated to each user’s workspace. This provides streamlined cost savings and efficient work interfaces without sacrificing data security.
So you are a solopreneur, a gig worker, an army of one. With SAC-IT remote workspaces, you can access to your workspace form any device anywhere. Now you can keep working when your environment challenges your access and your ability to keep moving.
“Bring-Your-Own-Device” means you can allow your staff to use their own laptop or tablet. No more maintaining an inventory of devices for your staff. Our easy to reach service department means your team can have access to our help on the go. All this without sacrificing the security of your data.